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I hate when chara say that...(dont even get started on irl peep)even without homo...its direspectful
It's just dang fiction, but knowing 'some dont consider' ACTUAL grape as it is, is quite disturbing
135 photos
08 07,2021 created

Dis~Ole~Blue~Dick❄'s other album

  • ~Hilarious Crap~

    Shet that makes me laugh. Real hard. Like I'm dying of asphyxia on the floor rolling and flapping like a fish.
    Maybe it won't make you giggle; I have weird tastes *Shrug*

    *Sometimes I just take the center Page of a multiple Pages it may start/end few Pages earlier and later. Some are also super outta context. Thanks for understanding*

    (#Mainly Yaoi/Shonen-ai)

    1147 photos
  • Amen///

    Sometimes corny or cheesy, ridiculous or taboo; but always true.

    (#Mainly Yaoi/Shonen-ai)

    29 photos
  • THAT face, THAT moment, THAT reaction

    It's like those lines, those drawings, those events...were written just for me, or about me....I feel soooooo AppEalLeEeEeeeeEed

    2847 photos