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higashino keigo
morimi tomihiko
asai ryou
sir arthur conan doyle
natsuhiko kyougoku;『幽談』
natsuhiko kyougoku;『姑獲鳥の夏』『魍魎の匣』『狂骨の夢』『鉄鼠の檻』
yasunari kawabata; snow country
fyodor dostoevsky; crime and punishment
sigmund freud
jacques lacan
ernst gombrich
shunrō oshikawa; kaitō bōken kidan: kaitei gunkan (atragon) / 海島冒険奇譚 海底軍艦
curt siodmak; hauser's memory
robert a. heinlein; the moon is a harsh mistress
haruki murakami
raymond carver
jean cocteau
gabriel garcía márquez; one hundred years of solitude
mario vargas llosa
yukio mishima; confessions of a mask / 三島 由紀夫『仮面の告白』
raymond radiguet; le diable au corps
shen fu; six records of a floating life / 沈复《浮生六記》
jian zhen; tian ya hai jiao / the ends of the earth / 簡媜《天涯海角》
omar khayyám; rubáiyát of omar khayyám
tenji tennō; coarse the rush-mat roof
38 photos
27 07,2021 created

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