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OMG she look good in this yeah so much
he look cool when he load a gun wow i think i gonna like him gonna be my husbando
if only my sister is like that u can say we are sister when we fight not cz we totally care for each other
this pic in the middle of the page pic she look like the ampress really
WOW even remarried empress they're so lovey dovey why is that i know its lonely but really
Father and son thing
The heck how dare u say that u should know that even nobles has chain cz ur gonna be empress hays
hahaha this is what true noble is change faces manupulative and sick things its disgusting but thats what humans are
ahh so she totally didnt know the outside and inside of nobles she only know about what the country says about them huh my god what a thing
ye right navier is just too kind unlike medea has kinda bad side and i like it so much
No ur being too nice to her her delusions is far too that she need to think right
ah what a trash really trashta u should at least know ur being used hays that why i kindalike noble fight cz its like a battlefield but this
ahh so this kind of plan hays if only navier is like medea but my medea is only one even if someone copy her i still gonna support her
Navier consideration is fucking waste to u u know hays ur truly a slave u dont know anything at all
i think i should start killing one person a day so i can vent my anger right
3413 photos
18 11,2021 created

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