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i mean if someone as handsome as this guy showed in my dreaming freedom and says he'll help me why n
white hair + hot + handsome + smart + crazy?? nothing he's just perfect
oh no he's also funny
now that i focused on the mc's eyes he rlly kinda looks like Childe.
fucking hell i wish I could reincarnate as this mc
oh no fucking shit aren't you the one being funny bc that shit ain't funny
lmao is this Ayato's twin
she's so pretty wtf
holup he's rlly attractive
men. hot men everywhere.
aw yis
126 photos
24 11,2021 created

Oya? Oya Oya~ Oya Oya Oya~~'s other album

  • KiriBaku + Bakusquad | BNHA

    just them being an idiot

    8 photos
  • //Kink/Fetishes

    this is a personal fetishes of mine that I will only share here lmfao. I just realized these fetishes too when I made this album.

    Lemme start with my kink order 1&3; Guys with white hair.
    I have always been interested to Anime guys with White, Black and Red Hair. But ever since Gojou Satoru came my loved for white hair guys evolved lol let's start with dat.

    Order 4&6 – Expressions while doing 'that'. I love every expressions they make esp when the art is rlly pretty.


    19 photos

    I just really love kissing scenes in 2D of course

    Includes only ship. may be canon and no canon.

    82 photos