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The Priest's Chart
Jazz for Two 재즈처럼
BJ Alex
Alice in Adultland
Blue Cheese Table
Rent Boy
From Points of Three
See You Again
Story of Our Lives
Eunsuk & Jung-gu
Voice of Love
King Maker
He, Him & Us
In A Heartbreak 失恋中啊
Fools - What does the title mean thou?
I am Beautiful
An Uncomfortable Truth 불편한 진실 - gif
737 photos
30 01,2017 created

KyoZaNa✿'s other album


Bl_pasta November 19, 2019 12:13 am

KyoZaNa✿ August 13, 2018 6:06 am
Black belly / 腹黑(fu hei) is a common term used to describe a character's personality in c-novels. Literally, it means stomach black and is usually used to mean that someone is secretly quite evil/sly/manipulative, because you will only know that the person is black belly after being eaten up!

➽ Here is exactly a black belly Seme..