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wtf is this a ship or not?
ahhhh fuck this works out for both BL and GL they should give us both
seem like a good couple together on the page
oh my do i fucking smell a Yuri ship here? yes i fucking do now support or not?IDK
i'm not supporting this, this motherfucker is sick in his head
well would you look at the man can talk like hes got a brain
do not fucking support this guy is a fucking rapist if he forces the dude to do sex
oh my do i smell a ship but i don't support incest so sorry noo can do if u r a ship
yep this is toxic i cannot support this feel like a tragedy
idk cause it's kind a toxic but at the same time not really so idk
u better meet a -100 to be supported
oh my so far so good princely keep it up and soon the ship will begin with FL
oh so this is a master and student relationship with no blood connection thank god idk on the ship
i no longer know how to feel about this
i'm no longer gonna support this ship u just killed it yourself gangster dude
yo that dude is married i don't do adulterous relationships
this crazy motherfucker that got toxicity all over it makes me think not supporting so i'm unsure
24 photos
12 01,2022 created

cold hearted's other album