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Oh that’s why
Wait wait why did he take his shirt off
Eeyyoooo tf you mean huh?
I fuckin knew it no fuckin way. He’s an Scp
Omfg not another Ted buddy situation.That’s it horny jail for you for life reckless endangerment
Is this 88888 dumb. Like I get you’re psycho obsessive possessive but this just don’t make sense
No seriously what the fuck was that did the author do that or what. Huh?!
This Bastard is out of his mind what the fuck. Counselor’s office now whore
You need to leave
No way. This mf went on this trip and said “imma be a freak and try new sum new shit”. Sir huh?
Yo this girl is fucking weird
Oooo girl not the ancient nudies
Oh naaah not the fucking child too. What is this, poltergeist?The exorcist? The possession of Emily?
What is this unnecessary interaction at the business dinner.
Hol-up why the bitch got a fade all of a sudden .
Omg omfg is this girl into being abused or is she just psychotic.
I’m sorry but does he have his location pinned or sum cause how tf.
OH MY GOD that’s disgusting. Literal jumpscare what the fuck
115 photos
15 01,2022 created

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