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got us figured out LOL
tough on the outside, soft and fragile on the inside
i dont like the way she deals with things, but i understand it
i hate to admit it when shes so shitty, but maybe i dislike her so much bc she reminds me of me
why do i actually feel bad..
Yeaa... That's right.
Why does he look so pathetic
She hot af tho
99 photos
15 02,2022 created

[DELETED]'s other album

  • Penis


    6 photos
  • My will to live.

    I lied I don't have a will to live but no one will know this.. Right?

    174 photos
  • Lewd As Fuuckk

    Assortment of pictures or photos that make me think, "That's so fucking lewd ".

    27 photos