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No I'M sorry, No! I'M sorry, NO!! I'M sorry! XD
Boy knows what he wants! :P
Daddy's having issues :P
They censored the cockroach! XD
Poor monkey in the middle
I guess wolfs are tougher than tigers?
I think his brain stopped working
They turned into doggies XD
I will crush your ego!
When your mommy instincts just won't let you be
ME! Around little kids this is how I feel!!!!
"Captain Subtext" translation "RUNAWAY!!!!!"
I know what he wants ;)
A cold turned him into something not human!!!!!
Snow White in sunglasses.... XDDDD!
Yea.... Asking the 2 year old that might not have been the smartest move :P
250 photos
19 03,2017 created

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