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Me when I have to pose for photos at family gatherings
Yup warm tea is cozy
Yup I’m weak to girls dress up as guys too
Ngl she is so fine xD
Yup it’s hard work regardless where you work, he has a point!
Yup I’m even finding it hard with a marketing degree to secure employment, I feel him on that :/
I’m the same , I love sleep but have many other plans at the same time xD
Yup I hate having to wake up early too x(
I’m weak too she’s so cute
That’s literally me with baking xD
True dat
Yup looking after kiddos can be a nightmare
It can happen x)
Yup money can’t be in first place, child comes first
Glasses ppl rise up on this one xD
Yup creating your own business ain’t cheap!
Being a shut in does definitely has its perks xD
I feel ya bro I wasn’t great at socialising in uni either!
441 photos
31 03,2022 created

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