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haha I'm assuming the old man is Cheongheo. But he's not staying out of trouble anytime soon lol
lol there's just little prints of the old man on the wall
haha they're both so persistent on beating each other as if they would die if they lose
lol helicopter
lol he's spinning like a bayblade
lol shhh believe in god even if your an atheist
dang haha I'm loving this. Nelly just got destroyed haha
PFFT relatable, kids have too much energy and can't sit still at all, I'm not one to talk tho lol
lol got called out
lol so much for spending carefully
is it just me or did anyone else just think of the lyrics of a song. "stay by my siiideeeee, talkin-
476 photos
10 04,2022 created