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A total tsundere hahahah
Taichiii stop it. I can't love you more than I already do.
I'll love Taichi forever
Poor Taichi :P
He's such a good friend. Why can't he date the uke instead of being the kind roommate? T.T
Little Yuokiooo<3 <3 Wanna hug him forever!
Sure... that comment makes everything better
Sarcasm: on
"Do you guys talk about anything??!"
He's jealous of his own grandpa :P *slap* again ^^
*slap* <3
Finally :') Thanks alcohol!
"what a turn off"
That would actually happen to me if I had a boyfriend
I just love how Mutsuki ended up being part of the family<3
"Super close" awww that chibi Mu-chan is so sweet<3 <3
Hhahahhahahah I love it when he spanks his butt
Mutsuki... so sly :'D
278 photos
27 05,2015 created

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