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Milan Appreciation VIII
My heart just broke. Baby boy.... someone hug him
Noooooo. Not sweet baby Milan!!
Oh ok. So he chose death.
Time to bury his brother
Milan appreciation VII. so cute
Milan appreciation VI ... even though he's a mess at such a young age.. sigh
shes like 6, talkin bout she'll crush someone. poor kid needs a loving home
her dad would be pretty if he didnt have such an ugly nature
His mom was a MOMMY
Milan appreciation pt V
So pretty. Milan appreciation IV
UHHH. In America, businesses frame the first bill they get. $1, $5, etc. He's not a new business...
we love growth
LOL WTF, I wonder if he can turn it on and off. Care Bear looking mf
(sorry had to roast the cutie)
poor baby, Keung! I bet he's gonna be even bigger than his mom. He's gonna grow HUGE
You go, ma dukes!
She def reincarnated. Funny they named her Aster again?
1564 photos
29 05,2017 created

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