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Secondo Piatto
Secondo Piatto
Can't Escape
Origin of Species
Wild Eyes
An Egocentric Way of Thinking
Friendship so Impure
One Roof, Two Strangers
Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace
Lima Syndrome (whoa, sexy!)
Love History Caused by Willful Negligence (a detestable seme with great body)
Boss, It's Not a Massage Parlour
Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha (but from him, I won't)
Unholy Blood (watta way to wake up)
Artwork that are chef's kiss
Faces that could launch a thousand ships
Panty-dropping artwork
Faces that make you scream profanities
Panels that make you drop your phone on your face
116 photos
03 12,2022 created

StoneCold's other album

  • Thigh Kiss

    stimulating artwork
    thigh kiss, lick, bite

    105 photos
  • Adorkable

    Stress-relieving photos, scenes, characters that you can't help but adore, leaving you grinning/giggling like a loon.

    190 photos
  • Ship That Never Sailed

    Just as the album title says, these are collections of couples that were never lovers but I just can't help but ship them together. I'm sorry for having bad mind.

    13 photos