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I hope this replacement faggot gets beat and dragged fuck u for talking all this smack when u ain't
What the hell
Great now he can start up his own lil harem and get an s class partner like his sis
It's deep but damn it shocked me so bad
And she gets with him even tho he ghosted and played her girl STAND UP PLEASE
Hannah better than me.. I would've tweaked out
I'd tweak out if I was the demon king hel is better than me
What he said was right but his bff got w/ their step brother.. I feel like those 2 things correlate
Bye cuz why is she such a bitch she is NOT a girls girl
Realest shit ever
She lowkey pissed me off
He deserved that shit happening yeonwoo passing me off he does NOT deserve my man
Actually vile like this scene actually traumatized 13 yr old me
Genuinely had 13 yr old me gagged at this scene btw fuck her she basically raped rihito
This is why I hate her ass she was judging him for doing the exact same thing she's doing rn
Stop the black hair dude with facial hair IS SO UGLYYYY I NEED TO SAY IT...
255 photos
20 01,2023 created

Quack's other album