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one of the most downbad men, getting hard every time he sees sungkyung. still claims not to like him
hes been whipped this whole time
using the residents apt # to refer to them is one thing, using his JOB is making me crack up
master putting him through the wringer
they had a funny ending
no one can beat jiho in terms of narcissism except for gwanjong
there's the jiho we know and love
manchild 1 fighting manchild 2 for jiho's affections
note: do not sneak up on people who have a frying pan in their hands.
park gwanjong is the most iconic character in this entire story
king of home cooking? more like king of mixed signals
i really like the dynamic between these three but i can see it becoming REALLY toxic down the line
495 photos
28 01,2023 created

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