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there's the jiho we know and love
manchild 1 fighting manchild 2 for jiho's affections
note: do not sneak up on people who have a frying pan in their hands.
park gwanjong is the most iconic character in this entire story
king of home cooking? more like king of mixed signals
i really like the dynamic between these three but i can see it becoming REALLY toxic down the line
jiho may be unhinged but hes entertaining asf
producer lee is too fucking muchhh
they got outgayed by the girls woooo
gwanjong is the realest person around
huge fan of this guy
enemies to lovers
certainly romantic
i cant hate a guy who loves his cat this much
should i drop out? shuold i kill myself? ah, the classic college days
disgruntled children in the backseat
professor park did not risk his life to play in a proxy war between his son and lover lolll
501 photos
28 01,2023 created

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