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i imagined sparkles when he smiled lol
you know what bro, i get you completely.
the vibes are kinda weird
somehow i'm relieved it's an old man lol
this is probably my fav chapter of this story lol
i'm always spending several minutes taking in the page everytime too lol
i've read this so many times and this page always hit different
These two are match made in hell (in a good way)
Brago and Sherry weirdly in sync too
them motherfuckers are on the same wavelength i love it
i love these two more than words could say
you've aged considerably since you've last met Sherry lol
i need a catboy in my life too
No way bro would stop. I wouldn't either.
oh... that's why you went quiet. bro hasn't jumped you yet lol
Uh, just a continuation of the cute shit album, nothing special.

I wish my old-ish screenshots didn't get deleted tho
Kinda salty about that.

5493 photos
02 04,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album