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this is some fucking shit
what do yu mean "per se" is he nonbinary
howa bout the the rest of your neighbours
i'm comfused what does htis last panel mean
also this says chapter 0 does tht mean they have more ga
wait is that it
just fuck him right in that chair bro please
you should fuck him
oh so he's the top
such a silly ending
the sex scenes here feel so wonky idk
uncensored again !
"frist whispers of love" bro what
two bottoms fucking i wonder what they're gonna do
PEAK ZARIA !!!!!!!!
knew this would happen
masashi is such a bastard (affectionate)
also damn did he really just turn a straight guy
funny shit or me reacting to shit
356 photos
04 04,2023 created

fushidfard's other album

  • Album

    823 photos
  • otheralbum

    since making this alsum i have realized that i'm gay so i'm probably not goiing to add much to this album anymore (not that i did in the first placelol)

    31 photos
  • fart

    (non sexual) pretty art/characters yeah

    54 photos