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oh jegus christ how many reuploads is this gonna have
so wait is the mc the top or are they both goign to be buff the yaoi logic is confusing me here
this fucking george michael lookign fucker i'm crying
this guy (mc) is exactly my type smhhhhh why is it always the average guys that have ot be tops
so it's sex then . he chooses sex
cna i pretend that the blond(e) person is a woman and that this is a lesbian couple
yeah why not let's fucking begin COD WHAT AM I DOING
bahaha is this guy gonna get character development by saving the uke COD, FUCK THIS SHIT, DAMN
man this is so fucking shit lol
oh fuck no not in the library
"prefers male caregivers" no really
,,, did they ,,,,,,,,,,
no you like wolves
funny shit or me reacting to shit
356 photos
04 04,2023 created

fushidfard's other album

  • Album

    823 photos
  • otheralbum

    since making this alsum i have realized that i'm gay so i'm probably not goiing to add much to this album anymore (not that i did in the first placelol)

    31 photos
  • fart

    (non sexual) pretty art/characters yeah

    54 photos