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what does tha t mean . trash talker .
help the ""Salaryman""" became so basic whne it was revealed he's the top
(once again saved something to the worng album) yeah of course the mc is the bottom. it was too goo
please you don't just ask that help
oh hey i have those type of jeans
oh wait it's renting,,, that's why he always asks the time,,,,, ohhh,,,,,,,,
finally we get a top main character. holy shit just when i was thinking that bl protags were mostly
this could've been peak but it's fucking censored
(saved it to the wrong album) stop saying that fucking word
alright i'm back. also wow the japanese sure do have a thing for salarymen huh. waht even is a slary
oh help this si like the third slarayman bl ina row nope savign this for tomorrow
oh hey wait pube hair representation
this is just so out of character i mean i don't know anything abotu his character but it feels out o
he's literally jsut a guy this is some reverse grooming shit going on here
funny shit or me reacting to shit
356 photos
04 04,2023 created

fushidfard's other album

  • Album

    823 photos
  • otheralbum

    since making this alsum i have realized that i'm gay so i'm probably not goiing to add much to this album anymore (not that i did in the first placelol)

    31 photos
  • fart

    (non sexual) pretty art/characters yeah

    54 photos