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Then is it okay for me to get hard again?
It’s too big!! What the hell is that!?
Virgin boi no longer
mid-coital *CONK*
Why are you erect?!
Oh brother
Bro con gone weird
Do something about that rat!!
Even when I’m eighty
I would not, could not, in a car!
Stretch me with your thing
Punish me with your rod
Underwear fetish
mostly muscly bottoms GETTING IT in hilarious ways
steamier stuff:
361 photos
15 05,2023 created

chronicchaotic's other album

  • beefiest bottoms (extra spicy)

    100% bouncy busty buff bottoms. NSFW! grade A
    updates often
    less beef, same steam:

    330 photos
  • cute attack!

    PG to PG-13 adorableness and/or crack (some explicit language/implied sexual content)

    279 photos
  • food for thought

    creative prompts/inspiration

    234 photos