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Ahh sorry if your disappointed with this photo, I haven’t really got to read much of this.
I feel like this could be considered pet play.
Bondage is a huge part to this one shot
AHHH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER (this is my first chapter i’ve read of this entire story so far )
This isn’t really BDSM but it’s rough and In the story in one of the latest chapters is some bdsm
Kings Maker Mature version (BDSM SCENE)
Hello!! So I I made this album, now be aware that if some of the manga gets weird than it’s not my fault nor do you need to be mad at me cause I didn’t make it! I might not have time to go through every one of These photos! so I hope you understand that, also my words may not be spelt right for I am not to good spelling!
303 photos
08 06,2023 created

AMOR’S STAR SCANS's other album