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Sad sex. Both suffered
Sad sex. Both suffered
Sad sex. Both suffered
Sad sex. Both suffered
"Don't smile as if you're about to cry."
Shimaaaa, why must you think like that <span class="emoji emoji1
Shimaaaa, why must you think like that <span class="emoji emoji1
Shimaaaa, why must you think like that <span class="emoji emoji1
No Shima,,!! Noooo !! Don't say such sad words
No Shima,,!! Noooo !! Don't say such sad words
Shima, don't cry
Shima, don't cry
Shima, don't cry
Don't do that to Shima, stuuuuupiiiiiidddddd !!!!
Domeki really loves Yashiro
So much feels here for Domeki <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"></s
So much feels here for Domeki <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"></s
So much feels here for Domeki <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"></s
222 photos
26 07,2017 created

Lady Pinkish's other album