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Keiichi still embrace Shingo even though he knew Shingo will scratch him
''You think you can run away from the claw of a leopard?''
Keichii knows Shingo always feel insecure
I literally cry here *still crying*
''I'm not playing, you're so cute, I love you so much''
*lift gently*
I feel so relieved when Keiichi immediately run after Shingo.
That mesmerising look of Keiichi's <3
''I'm begging you! I'm begging you! So please don't run away!''
Keiichi's warm look begging Shingo to come out *sobs*
''I won't throw you away no matter what so be mine..''
I cried T.T
I'm glad Shingo decided to come back into Keiichi's arms
Ah..Again, this scent..
That look on Akihito's face
"Why didn't you come for me sooner...?!!"
"I was waiting for you..!!"
I wanna hug Akihito so bad too if I were Asami
I think he's really relieved when Asami is really here to save him <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"></sp
I feel for Asami's unsettled heart all this while.
This album contain lots of situations or dialogues that touched my heart to the point it feels really warm inside and tears sometimes welled up.
142 photos
26 07,2017 created

Lady Pinkish's other album