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aren’t they the same clothes he had on before?
don’t they all look the same? just the hair is different but the mc was supposed to be handom?
how come everyone has the same oval face shape?
is he wearing sketchers or something
omg yeees please make our mc a vampire too
yaaas queeen. no really he’s got that drag queen look now
omg is he the crimson chin
he called the other group cringey roleplayers but good lord look at himself <span class="emoji emoji1f
damn he oogly
the stepmother is so beautiful for someone with such a wicked personality
poor baby i feel so bad for her, this is gonna become her trauma, i’m guessing it’s the crown prince
damn she’s the true definition of an evil step-mom haha so wicked, i love it
why the hell is our mc fighting terrorist now like it’s some side quest
he might be powerful but he’s definitely not the most attractive, in fact he’s very unattractive
wtf his character is so shallow. and why’d they have to go so far with killing the “american”
since when was there a freakin store ummm…. hello??
why do they keep showing us this guys ass?
307 photos
29 06,2023 created

whosmelissa's other album