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my god
joshua, rip
Oh my god that face, I'm so fucking sad they killed him, not even a chapters worth of content ;o;
holy SHIT
dear god that man
omg... rakou is, nice
holy shit he's wearing BONDAGE. god
he may be short, BUT--
holy shit he was already cute before BUT THIS??? DEAR GOD
wow, suddenly after finding out he's not only a psychopath, BUT A DADDY?! god have mercy on my soul
He was cute before, but now that I know he is a confirmed psychopath by this photo I am all in
he's a lil wimpy but i'd climb him any day
it's cause he's a psycho 100% look at that wittle face full of bloodlust and murder
Exactly as the title says. Trying to make this exclusive for ones not in the romance genre, or just random characters that scream (HOT). Or they are cute, but after finding out a certain detail suddenly they are to the nines hot.

I don't discriminate between species because I'm not a racist ha ha. that's totally the reason.
137 photos
08 07,2023 created

Jusun's other album

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    might have doubles cause multiple chapters having the same ones at each chapter.

    This is just for when the scans group puts in other works they're working on or have completed at the beginning or end of the chapter that I haven't read.

    141 photos