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My Yukari.
And he’ll be mine alone for the rest of eternity.
I’ll make him slowly drift apart from his family.
Better then if I could but lock you up.
I’m a deeply jealous man. Sorry.
Don’t go to his goddamned home!
Don’t you fucking touch him.
Don’t you dare touch him.
You mustn’t ever show this look to anyone but me.
Who taught you this?
I put hickeys on you because I don’t want you showing your skin to other people.
Who were you going to show this naughty appearance to?
You’re already married, you know? We signed marriage forms.
This person is special to me. Keep your filthy hands off him.
Do you really like him more than me?
Him again?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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