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I was here first so I’ll be taking him now.
I didn’t want that guy take you away from me.
This part of you doesn’t need to know anyone but me.
I don’t want anyone else see this sexy face of yours.
I don’t want him to have you. Can you please just stay away from him.
You will get to him over my dead body.
You smell like his cologne. Were you with him?
I want to make all of you mine.
Get away from him.
You’re going to this place even though you already have me.
I can do whatever I want with what belongs to me.
You let another man into your room, didn’t you?
Even though you always say I only need niisan?
Get lost, he belongs to me.
I’ll follow you because you belong to me.
I don’t want to lose you even if you run away again.
There’s no way in hell I’ll ever give him up.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2965 photos
12 07,2023 created

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