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Unlike a bastard like me, he’s better, huh?
I’ll make his body remember the pleasure of being held by me.
I’ll keep on pumping you full so you can’t be with another man.
How many guys have you been with after breaking up with me?
So you’ve got a new man now that you’re back in town, huh?
The only one who should affect you is me.
I was really pissed at how popular you are.
Or I’ll kill you.
Hands off my chick.
Don’t let anyone else fuck you.
Those lips and body. They’re all mine.
I’ll slaughter anyone that touches you body.
I used money to tie you up and make you mine.
From now on, you’re mine.
A punishment for showing off your naked body to a man other than me.
What the hell is going on here?
For now, look only at me.
When are you going to stop talking about him?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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