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It’s impossible for me to give you to him.
If you do anything to that person you will go to hell.
I absolutely won’t give him to you because he’s mine forever.
No matter where you go, I’ll come chasing after you.
What do I have to do to tie you to me forever?
Where did you stay last night?
I’m the king of jealousy.
Who is that guy clinging to you?
All mine!
I’ll make you feel it so much you won’t be able to do it with other guys.
I told you, no cheating.
If you make him cry I’ll make you regret it for the rest of your life.
Didn’t I tell you? You can’t run away from me.
Take your hands off him.
Don’t you dare run away from me.
What are you doing in a place like this?
The fact that the whole school now knows you’re mine is the best.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2965 photos
12 07,2023 created

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