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Are you going to run from me again?
I love you even more upon seeing your pain.
You already belong to me.
I want you. Your soul, your body, all of it.
Make me any angrier and I’ll rape you again.
I’ll eat you up from top to toes inch by inch.
I’ll lay my life on the line to possess you.
I’ll stop at nothing to bind us together.
He’s already my bitch. Come over here and I’ll fucking kill you.
I really want you. I want you so much I’m going crazy.
My relationship with him is not yours or anyone else’s business. Get loss.
Don’t go touching other people’s things.
What’s your relationship with Midori?
Don’t casually touch other people’s things.
Don’t you dare show that face to anyone else.
Who said you could get drunk when I’m not around?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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