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In one night I will make you forget about him.
If something happens to him I’ll do everything in my power to shut you down.
Don’t talk about leaving here. If you leave my side I won’t forgive you.
I’ll have to make your body clearly understand who you really belong to.
Think only of me.
Don’t think about anyone else not even for a second.
Just break her heart or else I won’t be at peace.
So that he knows he belongs to me.
He is mine.
Shall we talk this out over there?
What should I become so that I can be by your side.
Don’t ever come near him again.
I won’t allow you to leave this place. You are mine.
He is mine not only in the past but in the future as well.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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