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I’m his lover.
Sorry, this person’s with me.
You’ll let any guy do this to you, won’t you?
So you won’t be able to be with anyone else.
You know stalker are dangerous when they get mad.
And then that scene is now right in front of me.
I want to see your face that no one has seen.
I’ve always want him all to myself.
So only look at me.
I won’t give you to that guy. I’m the only one that can have you.
Only me.
I won’t allow anyone to hurt him no matter who they are.
Don’t get close to him.
If you treasure your lives, you’d better leave now.
Finally, I’ve found you.
He can only have sec with me.
Promise me that you won’t fool around with girls and have sex with them anymore.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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