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Are you willing to do it with anyone as long as they have money?
I’ll mark you as mine.
Did you try to make me jealous?
Don’t touch him.
Should I get you pregnant like this and lock you in here forever?
This is to make them understand that you’re mine.
Only think of me. Want only me.
Listen only to my voice.
Don’t look at anything other than me.
Are you unaware that you’re mine?
His scent is on you. Shit! I’ve to cover his scent.
Don’t touch him.
Did they do anything to you?
You’re mine and mine alone.
You should’ve never invited a man to your house!
Damn right. I was disgusted because I could smell that guy.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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