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Your lips are still a little red. Is it because his kiss?
What are you doing? Come over here.
If you try to run from me, I’ll use invisible chains to bring you back.
If you sleep with that woman I might just kill her.
It’s not enough until you become mine.
I want to be the only one you do that kind of thing to.
Does it mean that you did it to that many men, then?
Do any harm to him and I’ll kill you.
I won’t forgive you if you did anything to him.
Stay away!
Could you stop doing thing like that to him?
He’s mine. Don’t you dare lay your hands on someone else’s lover.
What the hell do you think you’re doing to my Satoru?
What did you do to him? You bastard!
Whose side are you on? Mine or his?
Don’t tell me that you like her now.
Never call some other guy’s name again.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2965 photos
12 07,2023 created

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