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Just let it happen with only me.
I’m not giving up. I’m never letting him go.
Seeing you be so friendly with him pissed me off.
Did he ever see you like this?
Don’t say his name.
I’ve already decided to make him mine.
Not even you can snatch him away from me easily.
I should've done something so you wouldn’t forget me.
I even manipulated your friends so I could monopolize you.
That’s because I wanted you no matter what.
You should also only look at me.
You said you liked me but you’re flirting with girls.
Once I lay my hands on you, I’m quite persistent so prepare yourself.
To be honest I’m jealous. You let them touch you so easily.
Being here is a part of my desire to monopolize.
You go see him when I’m not around. What did you do?
Why did he pick up when I called your cell?
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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