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He’s all mine. I’ll never let him go again.
Even if it was to investigate, you were touching him too much.
Next time you touch him, I’m kicking your ass.
Why were you sticking so close to him? Do you like him now?
This area, did he touch you here?
Where did he touch you?
Is it true that you almost got molested by him?
I didn’t want you feel like it was the other me inside you.
It felt like the me from other world had stolen you away.
The one who’s in you right now is me.
I wonder which me he’s feeling.
Hearing that kinda pisses me off.
Sorry, he has an appointment with me so please excuse us.
If you disappear without saying anything, I won’t forgive you.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

ilirra's other album