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It’s your fault for letting another guy touch you.
Why’re you stopping me? Are you approving what he did to you?
I can’t forgive myself I wasn’t able to protect you.
These guys hurt you. I’ll never forgive them.
The guy who gave you this injury, who was it?
Do you want to get back with him? You can’t.
I want to make you entirely mine.
Who is it from? Is she cute?
Don’t ever show your face in tears to anyone else.
I’ve always wanted your tears and your crying face belong only to me.
How dare you lay your hands on what’s mine.
Don’t just go touching what belongs to me.
I have no intention of letting anyone else have you.
I’ll kill you.
What are you doing to my Kyo-Chan?
Don’t touch him.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2967 photos
12 07,2023 created

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