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rem's big back LMDAOOOO
its a shame mello is such a fraud cus he was dripped out the whole time it was crazy
no cus mello had that shit ON tho
the art!!
mello's outfit here idk something about the black puffer vest
lookin like a couple of frauds
these illustrations are so sick mannn
takeshi obata's art
i got full body chills when i read this for the first time
casca truly suffered more than jesus
this mf was devious since birth
yea... the beginning of the end
i dont know how anyone can think this wasnt even at least a little gay
the golden age was so wholesome
JUDEAUU <span class="emoji
my glorious queen casca if i think too hard about her i will prob start crying
pics that go hard and manga art that made me stare and absorb for abnormally long amounts of time
Tags: art spread
212 photos
26 12,2023 created

girl 2's other album