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rip bro, it was short lived but i was happy knowing you
nah, oh my god, that's hilarious. he will never live this down
i don't know if that was on purpose, but that roast was so well delivered i don't mind
don't listen, i'm proud of you beyond the page lol
awwww... you guys are so cute. i couldn't be happier for you two :>
that was a joke btw, i don't have health issues
this is sickly sweet, compared to those two (i'm currently developing diabetes)
bro's gonna have a blissed out face at work and they're totally gonna know what's up lol
bro couldn't even tell... you did a fantastic job lol
i am literally just so happy for him
i saw ass up, panicked, and went back to read the other page for real
i saw the next page and
i'm reading it like i'm in the room lol
i'm actually excited to see where they get...
nah, bro is cute as hell you can't get away with calling him a background character anymore
he's doing his utmost :>
bro is cute in a simple way
why did i get deja vu this just came out
nah, i think it's cuz an earlier ch was similar
Oh my god, my 2nd album is so large it's a miracle no images have been deleted like in my first one. Still salty about that . >:(
6878 photos
30 12,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album


Imaweeb December 30, 2023 2:19 am

I'm surprised a few people have saved my albums, I'm kinda flattered. :)
I try to leave funny comments, but half can be boiled down to inaudible screaming at cute shit. Not ashamed.