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top 10 biggest lies in history
tho i do love honesty lol
well damn
maybe wouldn't recommend that after hearing that
how many?
dude is cute af
he's like "fuck yea, we get to eat out!"
quick, ask to be friends
this is nice. :)
ptsd, that's what
dude is such a homie
bro is not imagining
he actually just offered that...
is it too late to pretend you didn't see that? yeah? okay.
dude is hella nice
does bro just wallow in misery all day? cuz that's what it feels like. what happened? besides on pg1
your gonna be so thankful for this man, you don't even know
Oh my god, my 2nd album is so large it's a miracle no images have been deleted like in my first one. Still salty about that . >:(
6878 photos
30 12,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album


Imaweeb December 30, 2023 2:19 am

I'm surprised a few people have saved my albums, I'm kinda flattered. :)
I try to leave funny comments, but half can be boiled down to inaudible screaming at cute shit. Not ashamed.