Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.
also, dude is majestic.
these all have both the yaoi and shounen ai tag, and this authors works are all rated so high
yup... shounen ai was the correct tag all along.
it'd be my pleasure
same ballpark
i'm so jealous
jump hug jump hug
oh my god i'm dying... the dialogue is hurting me metaphysically
how long will it be, I wonder?
the art is so pretty, my god
if u cry, I cry
waiting on what??
... mhmm. yeah/ come back.
round bois
It's very mutual, I'll have you know!
i would make that my screensaver if bro never saw my phone ever
Oh my god, my 2nd album is so large it's a miracle no images have been deleted like in my first one. Still salty about that . >:(
6878 photos
30 12,2023 created

Imaweeb's other album


Imaweeb December 30, 2023 2:19 am

I'm surprised a few people have saved my albums, I'm kinda flattered. :)
I try to leave funny comments, but half can be boiled down to inaudible screaming at cute shit. Not ashamed.