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Puppy from "An Animal Hospital in the Border Area"
Puppy from "An Animal Hospital in the Border Area"
Puppy from "An Animal Hospital in the Border Area"
Dog from "InSecret"
Dog from "InSecret"
Raccoon from "I'm going to Steal from Today"
Pets to practice drawing! (Although I keep forgetting to screenshot things to add in here)
Tags: Pets Animals
78 photos
30 01,2024 created

SpoonFlakes's other album

  • Gymnastics (of some type or another)

    Bodies for Drawing? Drawing is difficult, but making a gymnastics album to practice with (actual gymnastics and bedroom ones.... Maybe mostly bedroom, lol)

    7 photos
  • Clothing

    Cute outfits from random series, because I can

    73 photos
  • Faces

    I love the way some artists draw faces, and I wanna practice

    110 photos