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omg i did not expect this lol
you'll never see this scene in BL b4. where the "top" say he can be flexible in such str8 manner
omg lol
remind me of japanese ghost story about a doll calling her owner telling she's coming to meet her
ouch thats extreme
the romance begin! on volume 3.
i hate this type of ppl the most.
838 photos
10 02,2024 created

Ruzu's other album

  • Cover Art

    Cover art of various danmei novel and manga.

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  • Qing Kuang Artworks

    Note: AntidoteWolves of a Pair Prowl TogetherSaYeQing KuangXiao ZhangSan Fu(all Wuzhe works and reversible couple except Xiao Zhang) is set in the same universe.

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