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well nothing stopping you Kiyomine. regardless of gender, you can still do that.
[insert "dad getting out to get some milk meme" here]
Reichii right.

"Extreme" is ONE of the word to describe Kiyomine personality, which his reaction.
my heart ache every time I read this part.

fyi i reread this manga many times over the years.
832 photos
10 02,2024 created

Ruzu's other album

  • Cover Art

    Cover art of various danmei novel and manga.

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  • Qing Kuang Artworks

    Note: AntidoteWolves of a Pair Prowl TogetherSaYeQing KuangXiao ZhangSan Fu(all Wuzhe works and reversible couple except Xiao Zhang) is set in the same universe.

    6 photos