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Short seme
Short seme
Detective seme and uke is someone who the seme theched
Seme liked the uke who is older than him when the s confes to u when he was younger u wait 10y
Used to hate each other but then
S was playing with u at school then fell in love and then the u saw him with a girl after5y they met
Sex out side
The guy I thought was uke is a SEME!!!
Sleep during sex
Hunted house seme saw uke hard
Phone sex
Car accident
So short uke and a tall seme
Uke told the seme that he is perv and there hight different is so much
U,Sare friends the S always talk about the b he like and the U told him image that he's me u confuse
Finally seme except his feelings and they had sex
89 photos
08 01,2018 created

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