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No it's definitely is hot (。・//ε//・。)
God damn it I didn't knew paintinh could be this much erotic (〃゚3゚〃)
Feels like painter of the night even much better version it's hot
Wtf I got nosebleed here
these empty eyes says lot author tried to show much of the psychopathic behaviour in his characters
he didn't say i love u to him cux same as usual uke sayin his fingers said it all
these scenes
his face at the end lol i m irritated like lol
he one of the most simple yet good seme
why its art is sooo beautiful
no wonder i like this
wtf split personality
Look at thozs eyes it looks as if he will eat him anytime
This goody face was always sus
Tooo much possessive O_o
It's just those scenes I find attractive while reading mangas .
2045 photos
14 05,2018 created

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