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XD That just makes him cuter
O.O Did you give birth!?!
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O.O Found REN Doll!!
Everything has an expiration date ^^
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O.O <Thumbs up!>
Now THAT'S a Face Lift! ^^
Plastic surgery ^^ LoL
^^ There be an order to things ^^
Part 2
Part 1
^6^ Daddy is big on Details ^^ Put A LOT of thought in this XD
^^ way to ruin his speech ^^
^^ Suck It! ^^ Love that guy ^^
...>< Mickey is watching in the last panel -.-'
Fear AND Respect her ..."She's already a God"
XD <Squeal> XD
^^ A Guy's Worst Nightmare... Holding it in ^^
Stuff I laughed at. Sometimes you have to read, but they are fun ^^
671 photos
22 07,2015 created

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