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Hwa knows about this too xD, but the only one who doesn't know is the one carrying the babies.
Now Gok knows about the twins and the one who isn't a twin, in the stomach of the lycan too.
Hwa knows this lycan his lover is a female and so does everyone else and this lycan with find out
Hwa's father found of the lycan is pregnant, but Hwa, Gok and the Lycan don't know this yet.
Hwa and this guy during the full moon, Hwa got this lycan pregnant with two twins and one other
xD wow Hwa got the pureblood female lycan pregnant with three babies.
Hwa is starting to remember things.
Yeah hopefully Hwa will regain his memories.
pureblood male lycan, but is really a pureblood female lycan.
Ino the blue haired Lycan, didn't erase this guy's memory, but did fabricate it into thinking he's a
Hwa's parents Gok and Lee Bin-Sunbae, meet the pure blood female Lycan, when they come to Hwa'sPlace
from Gwa's memory.
This pure blood female Lycan that Hwa's parents want to meet, remember the stuff that was erased
Hwa's parents Gok and Gok's husband are planning to meet Hwa's lover the pure blood female Lycan
Hwa forgot what happened at this time it was erased from his memory. Now he is an adult.
Gok is my fav character for short and this is my other fav character Hwa and Gok's son.
This blue haired Lycan and this vamp are together now and before.
Hwagok was once a lycan and is now a vamp, now he can live his life with his husband forever happy!
6248 photos
02 10,2018 created